Friday 21 March 2014

Being fair does not make me beautiful

We Indians glorify fair skin and despise brown complexion. She is such an intelligent woman when one looks at her achievements. It is interesting to note that some of the negativity comes from people who cannot put an intelligent sounding sentence together. Firstly, To all those who tweeted hate about this stunning beautiful woman, who danced the most sensational dance of her life are not worth the ground this woman walks on. But we Indians also forgot that we are also one among those people who discriminate people on the basis of color.

When Nina davvuluri was given the honour of Miss America, we Indians celebrated her success and went back fighting when others called her dark. But once when we start looking at what we are and how our insight is on what beauty is one would praise Americans for taking such a strong step for ranking a dark woman number one. How many of our actors portrayed the role of darks in a movie? How many women who are dark in color won the beauty pageants in India?

One thing which still haunts me is about the matrimonial websites where we really see such content on color being given importance. If we continue to be judgemental obviously we cannot expect others to be normal but however we  accept things as we wish them to. Starting from school level I have been a witness of discrimination. Even a kid in India has a problem making friends with a darker person. Is this how the system made us?

Even darker people are filled with promise and love, one shining example is Nina Davvuluri. Its high time that people stop being a disgrace to the human race by discriminating people on the basis of color. We should always encourage and not hate people who never harmed us.


  1. how do I like this.. where's the thumbs up symbol..??

  2. also.. i think we should also look at it this way... the social segregation is such that racial forces doesn't allow dark and less dark skinned(North Indians) people to come close....not everyone is fortunate enough to be close to a dark skinned person who evolves you to dig out and realise the true meaning of beauty.
