Friday 20 December 2013

Evolution of Indian Marriages

Does one need so much array and solemnity for a jubilant occasion like wedding? It is a shame that Indian marriages that have always been admired by the western people have transformed into an event of cash feet. Of course it is a special day for the bride and the bridegroom but the same special day can be celebrated in a much simpler way which has the capacity of even more happiness without falling into a debt trap. Parents need not burden themselves by gifting their daughters with gold or money as today’s parents have already gifted them with good education which can act as a security in uncertain events that could crop up between the husband and wife.

Most of the people who come to participate in the wedding become the biggest critics. Everything is scrutinized and found faults with, to create a debatable issue. Why does the brain of people work in such a menacing way at times? Marriage is such a pure event which is made of binding promises. The pureness of it is being lost with an intention of making it a pomp and show event. 
People who come to the wedding to bless the couple would not mind having a normal meal instead of a luxury meal. The traditional culture of serving people has long lost its roots. Instead of concentrating on the ways which would bring complacence to the couple, the family is more interested in making their guests happy in every other way possible so that the marriage could be talked about for ages. 
Sketching of complex and catchy arrangement will only add an element of stress among the close relatives who are involved in the marriage. The enjoyment in one’s own marriage cannot be possible in the modern Indian weddings.
For a rich man budgeting a sky limit wedding is not a problem, but for a middle class man it is a matter of concern.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Education I say more...

Today while I was travelling in the Delhi metro, many unanswered questions cropped up in my mind.  I have been studying all through my life about respecting people especially elders, women and children.  But only lately have I realized the other side of the picture.

It was at the peak office time. Like all the others even I was tired and badly needed a seat. There were old people and children in the crowd waiting for the metro. It was an empty metro which stopped at the platform. Just within a fraction of a second people ran into the train to grab their seats without even caring about who they were pushing. At one glance I understood people not only compete for a seat in a good college but they even compete  in their everyday life by exerting pressure on others with even more motivation than in studies.

One can see such a crowd in a market place. But the people I witnessed today were highly educated and qualified. Is this what our education is teaching us? People are so blindfolded that this has become an everyday activity for them. An old man had to fight with a young energetic man for the seat reserved for senior citizens. This is how education is transforming the youth in India. On the other hand a daily labourer sacrificed his seat for a very young woman right in front of me. His legs were broken and muddy. He was in need of the seat much more than her.

All of us are tired but grabbing a seat by hurting others does not give us the contentment to relax. It’s just a matter of an hour travel.  Look around. Do not forget that there are people who follow you. Educated people are always admired and inspired. If we do not follow principles then what would we teach our next generation.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

New Life , New People , New Expectations!

Like everybody else, my life also moved to a new phase to uncover challenges and shape it around with new souls. All these days I lived life where I expected things from someone who is really far away from me. My entire day depended on people I had already known; they filled my life with sorrow and happiness. But all of a sudden I opened up to the people around me. I always abstained from establishing an emotional contact with new people around me because I always considered it a limitation to my happiness. Only recently have I found happiness and love around me. With this discovery new expectations and questions started to crop up.  Few incidents which turned out to be a continued relationship with people:-


He sat next to me in a lecture and we both started solving the problems being done in class that day. He rarely attends college so I had never noticed him before. The next day we started talking .Eventually we started texting each other. I consider him a good friend who is sweet and good at heart.


She is my roommate. Pure, immature, lively and beautiful. She is an amazing person who has been with me through my ups and downs. We are more like sisters. After meeting her I realised that there are very few people who we love irrespective of the way they are. My negatives never feel like faults in front of her. Unconditional love cropped up between us. New emotions and new relationship came into existence.


One cool guy in my life. This guy is handsome, smart, decent, and friendly. We generally do not like getting close with normal crushes because we only like them from afar. But unfortunately he became my friend. We started sharing good times in college. I relived the moments with him after long. Life became cheerful and he became the solution to my worries.


They are a group of three friends who live in my flat. Intellectual, smart, lazy, emotional, cute. I shared most of my time with these people and they taught me many important lessons in life. No matter what the problem is they are always there to help me. Admiring people was one thing which I learnt from them. Confidence is one thing which they gave me.


These are few instances wherein I felt that love and care can be given and felt from anybody who is around us. There is no planned theory for emotions and sentiments. Depending on people who are not with us doesn’t always hold true. Start realising things around you. Life can be made more colorful if we start sharing things with people who are around us, who can actually wipe our tears, who can hug us. We do have important people in our lives where distance doesn’t matter but the same affection can be given to us by new people too.