Saturday 16 November 2013

Benazir Bhutto - an Autobiography

First woman prime minister of an Islamic country. She went to the top schools in the world – Harvard and Oxford. ‘Benazir Bhutto – Daughter of the East’ an autobiography brought tears to my eyes. I thought Indira Gandhi was the woman who faced the most trials-by-fire in Asian politics. But after reading Benazir, I changed my mind. I saw the nation from a feminist point of view.

The story explains us about the cultural beliefs in an Islamic country and especially the restrictions for women in the society. It beautifully narrates the political situations in Pakistan after partition. The dictatorship rule and the brutal killing of her father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the first prime minister who brought democracy was deeply described. The whole family sacrificed their life to bring democracy to their country. It makes us feel lucky for being born in a democratic nation.

 She followed her father’s path and emerged as a strong and passionate politician who never let her supporters down. The journey of Bhutto from being a prisoner to prime minister has been excellently depicted. Tragedy, political games and the dark political arena never prevented her from achieving her aspirations for people, especially women. Her assassination deprived the world of a great leader.

I admire her ideals and vision for her people. Her writing style and narration is magnificent .Every woman, regardless of her social background should read this book. It is highly motivational and heart touching and fills every heart with a ray of strength.

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