Saturday 13 May 2017

Familiar Surnames vs. Fame

The new birth right which Indian society has been giving to few lucky births in this rapidly growing country is profession and fame for the generations being born to celebrities. Be it Ranbir Kapoor or Rahul Gandhi it is passing on for generations now and can have a huge influence in the lives of other equally deserving people who do not have a great house hold name. Despite royal titles having been abolished, Indians can’t seem to give up on the idea of dynastic rule.

Be it any sphere of life, we tend to trust the generations preferring to take over irrespective of whether they might deserve or not. Be it Business, Bollywood, Politics and Profession it is evident all over in the country.

There are names that outshine the ones with familiar surnames and can be a challenge for them to prove the common man vs. the great grand fame being inherited. People say that a child has to carry on the legacy created by their ancestors and outshine them, but the same child need not sacrifice his interests and lead life that is being dictated just to make it to the headlines.

 I often heard ‘Rahul Gandhi did not have an option?’ but what happened when he started his action in the political arena?. It’s all about a person and his persona, hard work which will make him succeed and mere surname and no hard work will not hide your weaknesses. Few children become a mere liability by causing damage to the so called name by not performing well in the passed on career. Be it Sonam Kapoor , Abhishek Bachan it clearly indicates the fall if you do not possess the inbound qualities of their past generations.

At the end of the day the quality matters. Dynasty can help in giving a good start to one’s career but later on the talent and knowledge sails the person.

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