Friday 14 February 2014

Being bold

It is fascinating to notice the varied attitudes towards menstruation in our lives. On one hand, we’re expected to give out no hints about what is happening inside our bodies  to the people we interact with and on the other hand, we are expected to feel empowered about using an advanced sanitary napkin.

As a child I used to like shopkeepers who packed my sanitary napkins in a paper and gave me in black cover. The usual embarrassment as a child to talk about such things in front of male counterparts, and griping over periods is considered natural in any girl’s life. But why,after all, should we feel so embarrassed about menstruation. A biological process as simple as menstruation is stigmatised and is used by patriarchy as a weapon against women. 

I wonder why the advertisements telecasted about sanitary napkins show the color of fluid to be blue in color? When an advertisement of an ointment that heals wounds is shown using the blood.Every grown up male and female understands clearly what the fluid indicates. Then why this hypocracy about a woman’s sexuality? A woman’s reproductive cycle is a part of her biology and should not be played down in such a ridiculous fashion.

In today’s India where women are granted liberty to explore nightlife ,wear the clothes of their choice and share a drink with their male contemporaries then I am sure one need not get embarrassed about menstruation any longer. There is nothing wrong in asking your dad, brother , boyfriend and male friends to get you sanitary pads when you need them. Its time that we rid ourselves of the embarrassment ,get confident about our bodies and be vocal about our period.

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