A human invests most
of his growing age in our education system entrusting on them to make him a strong
independent Man. He would be rubbed on various topics and is expected to become
a saint in all the scripts taught to him. He would graduate and finally would
be eligible to tear his bubble and enter the real world dreaming to fly high
with the wings that his graduation has given him.
When a child is bullied at school that’s when his first failure
picks up, as 99% of them do not speak up and silently accept whatever is
happening with them. The same child grows up with the same acceptance in his
mind and let the society bully him forever as he would still not know how to
tackle it. When the problem becomes serious, they would think they are too old
to take support from others and it slowly develops into depression.
A baby is taught how to eat food, walk, play and what not
everything right after they attain the age to learn and capture things keeping
future in mind. The question I have for the people who are responsible in designing
a child’s future map - Why do they not give importance to grow the mental
health of the child? I am sure all the parents, teachers and everyone who is
old enough know how things work in the real world and that these things are not
inculcated in the so called education system that we are in. Is it that the society expects us to learn by ourselves
because the older generations did the same or is it because the law makers just
want to produce such talent which obviously is weak compared to such talent
which would have been strong had mental ability been put into implementation at
a very young age? People often heard that staying happy is the ideal life but
one never highlights how to get into the state of happiness once they fall of
The need of the hour is to change our education in such a
way that it would build necessary survival skills in children such as speaking
up and voicing opinions boldly. By learning skills that promote self
determination as a young child, would pave a colourful way for them to
effectively use their voice or other means to speak up on their own behalf. Children
need very clear expectations, protection from harm, and loving guidance from
the adults in their lives. Our education system needs to provide opportunities
that would develop the skills necessary to make an individual independent as
well as to interact freely and joyfully within their environment. These few
minor changes can give thousands of brains a silver lining and would make the
future of our country a new ‘bold beautiful’.