Monday 15 December 2014

Clean India

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” When few of my friends returned back from US they started cribbing about how unclean our streets are and that they are never taken care of by the local government.( In India, it’s the duty of the local government to keep the streets clean). So where is the problem coming when the responsibility can be clearly seen? Is the government fulfilling its duty rightly or is it the citizens who are unable to foresee the efforts made by the government?

We Indians take pride in keeping our houses clean, but in the public places we behave in a pathetic manner. Temples are supposed to be one of the holy places. I have noticed many temples courtyards revolting with filthy dirt. Our heritage sites are also facing a threat due to littering by the tourists. The sites are getting a very ugly look as the plastic covers lie all over the place. 
This is the situation of India gate the capital's landmark site from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched the 'Clean India Mission.
 If we cannot keep our holy places and heritage sites clean, how can we dream of changing our neighborhoods? Its high time that people change their attitude and support a good mission for a better cause.

The other day I was travelling by metro and bought a real juice can, after consuming it I had to hold it for a couple hours to find a disposal tin. This is a very common situation where citizens like me do not like littering on the streets. The new government has promised many waste bin on every street but I am yet to see them. This is the situation of a poor man – “At present we clean and put the waste in front of the door. There is no other place where we can take it. No dust bins provided, no places earmarked. Few years ago there were large waste bins. Government has removed it. So after sweeping and cleaning, where to put the waste?” One should know where to reach when hurdles come.

Our prime minister has launched a mission ‘Swacch Bharat Nirman’ which has brought a hope among citizens to dream about clean India again. (I hope it does not disappear into the air like the Ice bucket challenge.) Our health and tourism will definitely improve our nation`s GDP only if public understand that the success of any mission depends on our own efforts. It is our responsibility to maintain hygiene first and then our surroundings.