Sunday 29 September 2013

Great Happiness in Small Things

A small chocolate brings a great smile on a child's face.One small thing makes their entire day happy. But why does the same chocolate  not bring the same happiness to you once you grow up? It's because we look for bigger things and forget the happiness in smaller things.

Once we start growing up life becomes hectic, more challenging and requires a lot of care while dealing with things . More responsibilities make it even more difficult. A child turns into an adult once he starts losing his purity . All of us feel like being kids again but we leave the thought behind because we think it's impossible. Life gives the same joy and same pressure to everybody but the things differ from person to person according to their mentality.

There are small things in all our lives  which can bring ample amount of happiness but we do not realize them. One good morning message, one flower, one hug, one kiss, one compliment  can make your entire day . People forget the value of these when they concentrate on big things for happiness which is not possible to happen everyday. If owning an i-phone makes you happy then it can make you happy only for a day or a week but when you try to find happiness in small small things then your days will look brighter.

When Life is on the darker side one has to divert his mind from depression and should rather take up a hobby which helps in indulging his mind and forget about the things which make him sad. There are activities which can help people set their mind stronger and can even add lot of happiness in their on going depressing life. Small things like dancing , painting , swimming can just enlighten you  and bring solutions on how to handle things. Hurdles and opportunities are a part of every ones  life. One should start considering hurdles as a small part of  life and should handle them in such a way that it gives them a new opportunity in life without leaving a spot behind.

Life is small then lets search for these small things which can add an everlasting effect on ones heart and make us happy everyday no matter what. 

Monday 23 September 2013


'PROMISES' are big things for a few people, who actually write their life based on them and they give up their lives just to keep up these promises. But for some other few people, it is like an everyday lie, they neither trust nor realize its impact on others' lives. Life is about the principles which one sets for themselves, according to which a person's character can be pictured. When things are supposed to happen, they happen - few things leaving a remarkable effect on a person which cannot heal one's heart quickly.

There are few instances where we like a person on the first go and there are instances where we cannot judge a person at all! Most of us find problems in judging people. Life would have been simpler if everybody had the requisite knowledge to judge things easily.

Moments spent once cannot be brought back but the memories remain forever!

Attachment , love , trust , smiles , happiness , sadness - these are a few things which cannot be shared with random people. But, when you start sharing them with somebody it means a lot. If giving and taking were the only things on which the world was based, then all of us would necessarily fall at one point of time or the other. 'Unconditional Things' also exist which very few people are aware of because of which we are standing today. A girl who depended on a guy for everything, is left all alone in the middle of the sea. She is still learning how to swim. "Are you happy being like this?" was a single sentence which changed the entire relationship between a girl and a boy! The girl believed him for what he was and trusted him on everything he told her. She was expressive and pure in her feelings for him. She did not know what was going on in the guy's mind because he never opened up. If distance is all that matters, then it must be impossible for people to hold on to their loved ones!

Everybody should learn how to move on in life. For a few, it takes minutes and for others, it may take their whole life time. Priorities are never constant but attitude is always constant. Tell me who does not have goals or who is not busy with life? When we make people rely on us for something, we should be able to stand up for them. Nobody can hold you liable if you do not honor your words, but, as mentioned already, there is an inner conscience which tells us if what we are doing is right or wrong. Playing around with someone's feelings and trust will never leave you a winner. Finding happiness in others' sorrows, will make you a weaker person.